Would you like more happiness in your life?

Would you like to learn about the Science of Happiness, and how it can positively impact your life?

How can the proven research in Positive Psychology
help us to become happier?

“Authentic happiness derives from raising the bar for yourself, not rating yourself against others.”
Martin Seligman


These are some of the many things addressed in our FREE multimedia Happiness Kit. Carefully researched and expertly written, it’s designed to educate and help you put into practice proven theories of happiness. You’ll better understand the Science of Happiness and Positive Psychology, so you and those in your life can live each day with more resilience, self-understanding and satisfaction.

Happiness eBook: The Science of Happiness: Living Your Best Life

4-Part Mini Happiness Video Course

4 Engaging Infographics with Key Insights

4 Unique Printable Posters

Slides on Positive Psychology & the Science of Happiness

What Jessica’s Clients Say

Abhijit Patwardhan

Jessica and Meng San pulled off a tough act – a one day virtual workshop that came very close to a face-to-face live one. Kudos to them for keeping us engaged throughout the day. My virtual presentation skills showed a marked improvement thanks to their tips and tricks.

Ai Ling Sim-Devadas

In this COVID world, If you are wondering how to energise and engage your learners in Zoom workshops, this is THE SOLUTION. Lots of great ideas, suggestions and experiential learning on how to bring active learning back into your online classroom!

Li Peng Ho

Jessica has such amazingly positive energy! She communicated clearly through her instructions and explanations. I was engaged throughout the session and enjoyed the activities which heightened my learning. Thanks too to Meng San for a marvelous job in facilitating the administration of the activities so we could get access quickly. Awesome teamwork!

Pam Vas

Jessica is truly the expert in adult training delivery and engagement. She is the embodiment of grace, patience, good nature and just the right level of energy!

Jonathan Foo

The tech tools introduced in the course are exactly what I need to make my classes more interactive and interesting. This course is a must for any online educator.

Ravindran Sockalingam

Excellent platform to gain knowledge and skill in this new normal. What made the program excellent is the dedication and commitment of the instructor Jessica Dang. Thank you. Similar appreciation for the co-host Meng San who has done a excellent job.

Preethi Treve

Jessica was very dynamic and full of energy throughout the entire session. Information was provided in a very clear manner. Good variety of activities as well. Well assisted by Meng San as well. Thank you very much.

Alice Ng

Awesome presentation by Jessica Dang! Learnt useful tips and tools to wow the audience. Thank you Jessica for the wonderful session.

Cynthia Tan

Thanks for the informative, enriching , practical and very engaging session. You demonstrated all that throughout the session today!

Farah Nic

Highly engaging! Very well structured and paced. Learnt so much. Thank you Jessica and Meng San.

Sato Nishimura

High energy and professional time to produce happiness. Thank you!

Filomena Lok

Thank you Jessica. It was a very enriching and enjoyable session on Happiness.

Wee Lee Goh

It was a great learning experience & I picked up many tips to improve my facilitation skills!

neha baswan

Very good engaging workshop…loads to learn!

Sutarsan Jaganathan

Good course for trainers and teachers. Especially for covid period. Trainer has spent considerable time to search and test various tech tools and selected the best for us to apply. It reduce our effort to research for good tech tools.

kanagavelan Munusamy

Great trainer!

Mang Teng Leong

High energy, great tips and awesome experience! 🙂

Winny Kwok

I’ve attended Jessica’s workshops twice and she has delivered knowledgeable and useful tools for us to apply in our training sessions. Really appreciate her sharing and will come back again for another workshop definitely. 😀

Lay Yen Ng

Great synergy and very knowledgeable trainer!

Cynthia Tan

“Great session! Lots of relevant ideas !”

Pek Ker Leung

Jessica, your creativity and energy level are simply amazing!

Cynthia Tan

Appreciate the tech tools introduced and getting us to think deeper into applying it to our practice. Great job, Jessica and Meng San!

Cecilia Ow

What I learned at this workshop was very relevant and applicable in my work as a lecturer. And it was more engaging and less tiring than the usual 9-5 workshop!

Lynette Ann Liew

Enjoyable and enriching learning that is useful for work!

Kanagavelan M

Excellent workshop by Jessica and Meng San.

Sharon Goh

Very engaging session with fun filled activities that keep the session interesting! Excellent facilitation by Jessica and I will definitely look forward to joining other learning classes conducted by her! 🙂

David Liew

This is a most interesting, fun & practical workshop. It will help you rock your virtual sessions!

Susan Teo

The workshop is engaging and participatory.

Siti Mariam Binte Abu Bakar

Incredibly energetic. Although the class is a full-day online class, they keep you engaged.

Swee Fen Shui

A very informative and instructive workshop. Jessica and Meng San are very professional in the training session, and have certainly enlivened the sessions. Well done!


Another excellent session; highly informative and engaging. Thanks for taking the time to do this, Jessica & Meng San!

Stefanie Ang

Such a fabulous training and new tools in my pocket for my trainings. Thank you Jessica and Meng San for the wonderful session.

Yeow Khiang Yeo

Well organized session.

What’s Included in Each Item of The Happiness Kit



Learn about key psychological research and established practices in happiness.

This comprehensive resource includes:

  • What is Positive Psychology?
  • Understanding Positive Psychology + Happiness: The Research.
  • A Look at the PERMA Model for Happiness.
  • Established Positive Psychology theories for personal happiness, relationship happiness & happiness at work.
  • Understanding what Growth Mindset is.
  • 3 Interactive Happiness Worksheets you can use to increase
    your own happiness.


What is Positive Psychology?

Develop your understanding of Positive Psychology, it’s contributions to research on happiness and it’s four aims.

Exploring Positive Psychology & Happiness

Begin to learn some of the theories and models of Positive Psychology for Happiness, and gain insights learned from some of the key studies in the field.

Positive Psychology, Happiness & You: Why it matters

Uncover deeper knowledge about how the research impacts you as an individual, and learn how the research on happiness can be used to create more happiness in your own life.

Understanding Happiness at Work

Feeling content and happier at work has great benefits for us personally, and for our colleagues. It is crucial to our relationships, which is a key area for all of us. Get insights into what the research tells us and learn how to create more happiness at work.



What is Positive Psychology?

Living a meaningful & purposeful life in order to flourish.

7 Proven Benefits of Happiness

How pursuing happiness helps
us live healthier & more
contented lives.

3 Proven Ways to Increase
Personal Happiness

Simple and easy ways to get started experiencing more happiness

PERMA for Personal Happiness

Utilizing Seligman’s model to
understand & cultivate more



Positive Psychology,
Happiness & You

Four Concepts of a Good Life According to Positive Psychology

A Mindful Minute
for Happiness

PERK Your Way to
Workplace Happiness


Slides on Happiness & Positive Psychology

Share your new knowledge with others using this engaging 10 slide deck, introducing and highlighting key theories, models and findings from the research on happiness.

Attend Our FREE 3-Hour
Happy Red Dot
LIVE Online Workshop

What’s making us unhappy, or less happy? What are we missing? And what can we do about it? Why isn’t Singapore in the list of Top 20 Happiest Countries in the World Happiness Report?

That’s what we’ll explore in this fact-filled and entertaining 3-hour session.

Filled with fun activities, real-world examples, custom-designed video, humor, interesting & credible research and evidence-based happiness & positive psychology strategies, this workshop will open a door to attaining true & sustainable happiness. Plus, you’ll meet some outstanding people who can support your happiness challenges and goals.

At the End of the 2-Hour Session You Will:

  • Understand the concept of happiness.
  • Learn the key findings of The Science of Happiness.
  • Use our custom-designed Singapore Happiness Wheel to understand where you stand.
  • Explore the roots of a happy and meaningful
    life – including social connection, self-compassion & expressing gratitude.
  • Learn research-tested happiness enhancing
    journaling techniques.
  • Apply lessons from neuroscience, cognitive psychology, positive and social psychology to your personal & professional life.

Who Should Attend?

  • Educators
  • Executives
  • Healthcare Professionals
  • All Adults

“Happiness is not something ready-made.
It comes from your own actions.”
Dalai Lama

“Science of happiness lies in our understanding.
The secrets of happiness lie in our capacity to expand our hearts.”
Amit Ray

“Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the whole aim
and the end of human existence.”


“For the first time in our lifetime – and perhaps ever – the whole world is fighting a single, common enemy. One we can only defeat together. In a bizarre and rather surrealistic way, there is a previously unseen global unity due to this common foe. More unity than ever before. Let’s work with that, by reexamining our life, realigning our priorities and rediscovering our humanity.”

Jessica Dang

I’m Jessica, welcome to my Happiness Kit website! I hope you’ll find the resources in my kit helpful in your journey.

So, I’m a proud 3rd generation Singaporean. The Little Red Dot has always been home for me. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Each day I discover more about Singapore and each morning I wake up wondering what more I will discover.

Happiness – my own and that of others – matters more than just about anything else. And I believe we can choose to be happier in our life. Sometimes we forget this. With all the daily challenges and the fast pace of life, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, mediocre and underappreciated. So it can take some effort to decide to be happy. It may take even more effort to keep that decision front & center, so we don’t forget. However, it’s a little effort that’s worth a bounty in daily rewards. I promise you.

As I write this, Singapore is in soft lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In true Singapore style, we’ve branded our lockdown: The Circuit Breaker. Cool. Sure, there have been hits & misses. But for the most part, we’re doing our bit as a responsible nation. For the first time in our lifetime – and perhaps ever – the whole world is fighting a single, common enemy. One we can only defeat together. In a bizarre and rather surrealistic way, there is a previously unseen global unity due to this common foe. More unity than ever before. Let’s work with that, by reexamining our life, realigning our priorities and rediscovering our humanity. I believe ordinary, everyday people hold the key to a better world. And I believe the tragedy of the pandemic can be the reset we all need to evolve and do better. To – as said in The Game of Thrones – leave this world better than we found it. Let’s get happier, help others find more happiness and build a more caring society. Here in Singapore, and around the world.

I invite you to download my free Happiness Kit, signup for my free science of happiness based Happy Red Dot™ workshops (both face-to-face and online sessions offered) at www.happyreddot.sg, use other happiness & wellbeing resources I develop with my team of Happy Lions, and follow me on Instagram (@happyreddot). Signup for The Happiness Kit and I’ll share new resources, workshops, blog posts, posters and more. All for free.

Lots of Love

“I believe ordinary, everyday people hold the key to a better world. And I believe the tragedy of the pandemic can be the reset we all need to evolve and do better. To – as said in The Game of Thrones – leave this world better than we found it. Let’s get happier, help others find more happiness and build a more caring society. Here in Singapore, and around the world.”

Jessica Dang

Jessica is a Certified Learning Specialist, an accredited Marshall Goldsmith Executive & Team Coach and a Specialist Adult Educator.

She has developed and delivered multiple bestselling face-to-face and virtual workshops and learning events internationally. Jessica was instrumental in building the largest hands-on education company in Asia. Additionally, she has conceptualized and built leading education businesses, learning tools & software for clients. An innovative educator, Jessica has also developed and managed large scale, multi-location learning events and outreach programs for leading international organizations. She brings her super fun, trademark “chaos & mayhem” learning technique to all her programs.

Jessica is a practicing workplace learning specialist, executive & team coach, business strategist and author. She helps organizations build their learning systems, structures and content. She also works with senior executives and teams to achieve their personal & career goals, and helps companies design business & marketing systems.

Jessica’s Microlearning Kit has been downloaded thousands of times by learning practitioners worldwide. She wrote popular columns in the leading local newspaper, a popular parenting magazine and a highly respected HR journal. Over 350 000 children, young adults, parents, educators, executives and other adults have attended Jessica’s programs. She is actively involved in community service projects and welcomes the opportunity to contribute her time and skills for worthy causes. Jessica can be reached at service@jessicadang.me .


We’d love to hear from you! Whether it’s about our workshops, short talks, content, feedback, working together or anything else.

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